onsdag 18 februari 2015

LOVE Coffee Roasters

LOVE Coffee Roasters started their roastery in 2010, and since September there is also a coffee bar with a small shop. Here they take coffee seriously. In a small University city like Lund with many cafés, there is a need to stay pure. But still make everyone feel welcome. If you are used to regularly brewed coffee, you will get help to find a flavor that suits you. But take the chance to try something new while you are here. I got to taste hand brewed coffee, Nyamasheke from Rwanda. It was not what I am used to and it helped that the former sommelier and owner of LOVE Coffee Roasters, Daniel Remheden, explains to me that the idea that coffee has one, and only one set taste, is as ridiculous as if we would expect beer to always taste the same. As if there should not be any difference between Weissbier and Guinness. Coffee does not have one set taste - it is a beverage. Just like beer and wine.

While I'm at the café Steve trains for Barista Cup, which will be held in Stockholm in two weeks. His coach Emil Eriksson is with him today. And by the way, Steve won Latte Art this year. If you order a cappuccino, you may get a beautiful white swan in the foam. If you do not like ordinary milk, there is fresh almond milk from a yoga studio in town.

Check out their Facebook page if you like to learn more. There will be two coffee tastings each week during the spring. Three different cups with special coffee and one regular as reference. Special coffee is when you can trace the beans, that is, you know where the coffee is from. Not only which country but which plantation and when it was harvested and how it has been roasted. You will probably get to taste coffee from Ethiopia, the world second largest producer and one of Daniel's personal favorites.

Some info
Americano 28
Wi-Fi - No

Getting here
Klostergatan 1
Mon-Fri 9-6
Sat 10-5
Telephone 0736-77 65 60

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